Surrey’s Premier Lifestyle Magazine

Facing up to summer

Our skin is our largest organ. We subconsciously put it through stresses and strains every day. Why is looking younger for longer so important to us? Is there anything we can do to reverse the ageing process or slow it down? Epsom Skin Clinics explore the options.
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Photo copyright: Anna OM |
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There are three layers within our skin: the epidermis, dermis and sub-cutaneous layers: each layer distinct in shape, components and function. These layers work collectively to repair, protect and maintain the skin as a whole. The epidermis is a miraculous, self-renewing unit that continuously repairs itself.

Skin changes are related to environmental factors, genetic makeup and nutrition. The greatest single factor is sun exposure. This can be seen by comparing areas of our bodies that have regular sun exposure with areas protected from sunlight.
In our twenties, our skin is typically functioning at its full potential. Great collagen support keeps the skin firm, with hydration levels at the highest to give a youthful glow. How skin is cared for within this decade will determine what kind of damage we may have to deal with in years to come. It’s important to take the right steps to prevent DNA damage and premature ageing which can be irreversible.
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The face and neck change with age: around the age of 30–40 is when women notice a loss of muscle tone and thinning skin resulting in a drooping appearance. The outermost layer of our skin thins and changes in the connective tissue reducing the skin’s strength and elasticity. Sebaceous glands produce less oil and our hyaluronic production slows down resulting in a drier complexion. Muscles become less toned and able to contract. These changes often begin at around age 40 in women and age 20 in men. Two treatments at Epsom Skin Clinics offer excellent results.

We often associate light exposure with skin ageing and damage, however light also has many positive influences. It helps us produce vitamin D and provides energy and serotonin. It can promote healing, reduce inflammation, pain and prevent tissue damage. The differences between the effects of light are the amount and parts of the light spectrum we are exposed to. Ongoing exposure to UV is very damaging, controlled levels of red, blue and near Infrared light are clinically proven to be beneficial.
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Photo copyright: Aliaksei Kaponia |
LED Photo Therapy is known for its regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. Unlike more invasive procedures, LED Photo Therapy is a safe and year round treatment option for all skin types without discomfort or downtime. Dermalux™ instantly awakens a tired and dull complexion. After just one twenty-minute treatment, skin is hydrated, plump and radiant. Light therapy also promotes a feeling of wellbeing, helping to relieve the stresses and strains of everyday life.

Dermalux™ can be used in conjunction with other treatments that aim to lift, reshape and reform the facial structure.

Silhouette Soft Thread Lift™ facial treatment appeals to those wishing to tighten sagging facial contours and increase the production of collagen. Specialised surgical threads made from polydioxanone (PDO) are injected into the skin using a fine needle. The threads are held in place by cones positioned in opposing directions causing a tension in the skin, delivering an instant lift. Silhouette Soft can be used on any part of the body, but its main use is on the jowls, cheek area and neck. The threads dissolve after six to eight months. During this time, they stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, thickening and strengthening the skin from within and improving elasticity. The results will improve over time and last up to 18 months.
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Epsom Skin Clinics
Telephone: 01372 737280 (Epsom) or 020 8399 5996 (Surbiton)
Instagram: @epsomskinclinics