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Nicky Chubb solo exhibition Corner Gallery, Carshalton BeechesWednesday 2 March to Saturday 2 April
Surrey based artist Nicky Chubb launches her first solo exhibition at the Corner Gallery in March. Originally trained as a designer, Nicky took a career break from the fashion and textile design industry which led to a rediscovery of the medium of drawing and painting. Nicky’s work is particularly inspired by vivacious wildflowers, hardy heathland plants and countryside views. As can be seen from the image on the left, Golden Laburnum, Nicky’s paintings are beautiful and colourful, leaving an impression of joyfulness. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit the Corner Gallery on Wednesday 2 March at the launch of the exhibition to meet the artist. The Corner Gallery is the smallest commercial art gallery in Surrey, but reputedly has the biggest exhibitions! It is open Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm, and on Saturday, 9am to 3pm. Free parking is available outside.
Information: 020 8669 5899 or