Q Can you tell us about your new fragrance, Oficus?
A As with all of our fragrances, Oficus was not created casually. I had some experiences in Buenos Aires and southern Italy where I discovered the atmosphere that came from the fig trees which grow there. It is this ambience which I have captured in the bottles of the new Oficus fragrance.
First you smell the skin of the figs, then after a few seconds the sweet inside is revealed. This is the magic of fragrances, the possibility to surprise. This fragrance can of course be matched with other scents from the collection such as Tessuto which will relax the strength of Oficus. Or if I want to make the scents of the south even stronger, I can combine Oficus with the bitter orange of Aramara to capture the sunshine’s energy.
Q What Culti fragrances do you use in your own home?
A I normally have four fragrances in my own home. The base is always Thé and Tessuto, then I change the other two depending on my mood and the season. For example, at the moment I am using Aramara too, and then I always have one fragrance that is completely different to transform the scent of a room whenever I wish which at the moment is Oficus, but this could change at any point.
Q How important do you think fragrance is for your home/environment?
A I would say home fragrance is more important even than personal fragrance/perfume as we sleep, live and move both day and night in our homes, so choosing home scents shouldn’t be casual, they should be carefully considered. Culti, is not just a brand, it is a culture to live by.
essence info
Websites: www.culti.com,
www.amara.comThis article first appeared in The Lux Pad