Protect Painshill from the A3 land grab
17/05/18 12:29 Filed in:
Supporter of Painshill
First of all I would like to thank the thousands of you who have responded so magnificently to our petition. It is beginning to have some effect and already has attracted over 5,000 signatures. We have also been very encouraged by the number of public bodies who have come to the support of Painshill.
As you know, we have to persuade Highways England to change their plan to widen the A3 to the north of Painshill. This would invade the Historic Landscape at a point very close to the Gothic Tower and the Temple of Bacchus and increase the noise pollution in the landscape. It would seriously effect the enjoyment of over 100,000 visitors to Painshill each year, a number that is growing fast.
We have recently met representatives of Highways England and their design consultants, WS Atkins. They have promised to re-examine their plans now that they realise how important Painshill is and how their plans would damage its special beauty and atmosphere.
We have agreed to meet with them shortly to work with them to preserve the magic of Painshill.
If we are going to succeed in saving Painshill we will still need your continued support. You can help us in three ways:
• If you have not yet signed our petition, please do so now. You can visit our website at >>>, or sign the petition when you visit.
• Visit Painshill, it is looking lovely now, and see how the Gothic Tower and the special magic of the Elysian Plains and the Temple of Bacchus would be damaged.
• Tell your friends, your MP or anyone else who you think could help to support the effort to save Painshill.
Thank you for all your support so far. We will need to keep up the pressure until the plans have changed and we know that Painshill is safe.
Tags: painshill, A3