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ANTIQUE WASHINGTON PATTERN IVORY CHESS SET Circa 1790Height of king: 3½ inches / 8.9 cm
Board size: 10½ x 10½ inches / 26.6 x 26.6 cm
Stock number: RW0590/0119
Price: £950
A late 18th century Washington pattern ivory chess set, one side in natural ivory, the other stained red, together with a early 19th century wooden chess board.
A rare opportunity to acquire a good sized Georgian ivory playing set. These sets are highly sought after for their simplicity and history and the fact they were the chosen playing sets of the serious players of the time. The knights are the forerunners of the fine carved horse head knights of the 19th century and the rooks are some of the first in ordinary play to feature such detail. These sets were made for playing and turned on foot treadle lathes. Each piece was turned separately so there will be slight variations. Very much in the family of the “Washington” sets of the period. Of historical importance are the knights which were the last of the pre Lund pieces that paid much more detail to the quality of the horse head. The early Calvert sets were known for this type of knight. Many of the early sets coming to the market are of course bone so a good opportunity to add one of the better quality ivory sets to the collection.
Four replacement pieces (all contemporary to the set: red knight, red bishop, white knight and white bishop). There is slight loss to the castellation of the rooks but this is normal for these sets and top collectors tend to keep these rare sets in an “as found” condition.
ANTIQUE FOLDING CHESS & BACKGAMMON LEATHER BOOK Circa 1880Height open: 1½ inches / 3.7 cm
Width open: 17 inches / 43.1 cm
Depth open: 15 inches / 38 cm
Stock number: RW0567/0119
Price: £2500
An English gilt-tooled red leather folding games board, in the form of an antiquarian book, the title stamped “Hist. of Russia”, the exterior for chess with red and black squares, the interior for backgammon with elaborate gilt-tooled decoration, with the points coloured in blue and white, the ends and front are marbled paper (with some losses), complete with the two original leather dice shakers. Overall in very good condition.
ANTIQUE FOLDING CHESS & BACKGAMMON BOARD BOX Circa 1827Height open: 2 inches / 5.1 cm
Width open: 16¾ inches / 42.5 cm
Depth open: 13¼ inches / 33.6 cm
Stock number: RW0548/0119
Price: £1200
An early 19th century rosewood folding chess and backgammon board box, with the chessboard squares in ivory and ebony, with either end of the board with spaces to keep captured pieces, the box opens to reveal an interior with a backgammon board with the points and decoration in ivory and kingwood, the panels decorated with miniature chess boards, on one of the ivory chess squares it has the initials and date EMS 1827 and as this would tie in with the date of the box, these are probably the initials of the original owner. There are some cracks and curling of the chess squares, but nothing to stop you enjoying playing a game with it.
Four replacement pieces (all contemporary to the set: red knight, red bishop, white knight and white bishop). There is slight loss to the castellation of the rooks but this is normal for these sets and top collectors tend to keep these rare sets in an “as found” condition
Richard Gardner Antiques, 4, Queen Street, Emsworth, Hampshire PO10 7BL - For more information visit >>>
www.richardgardnerantiques.co.ukTags: Antiques, Richard Gardner Antiques, Chess