Concept™ Facelift

The history of the Facelift procedure

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It may surprise you to know that the Facelift procedure has been around for over 100 years and with pioneering techniques evolving over the years, the facelift has seen many medical advancements in the search for eternal youth.

We discuss the history of the Facelift and the surgeons who first pioneered it including Bella Vou’s Concept™ Facelift procedure pioneered by Head Surgeon Amir Nakhdjevani.

The historical pioneers of the Facelift Procedure
The desire to recapture a youthful appearance led to the first reported attempt of a Facelift procedure that took place in 1901 which was performed by Eugen Hollander in Berlin. A female Polish aristocrat requested that she would like for him to tighten the skin around her cheeks and corners of her mouth. After much deliberation he attempted the procedure to excise an elliptical piece of skin around the ears, but Hollander only excised skin at the front of the ear and closed the hole; he didn’t lift the area. Read the full article here >>>

Surrey’s Premier Lifestyle Magazine