Bring the whole family along to jog, run or walk this year’s Santa Fun Runs to raise sponsorship money for Princess Alice Hospice.
Fast becoming a fun, festive, family tradition; donning a Santa suit, complete with a big white beard, is guaranteed to make you feel all Christmassy and in the seasonal spirit of giving you’ll be raising money for a fantastic cause.
The first of the Santa Fun Runs will be at Bushy Park on Sunday 29 November at 10.30am. A further two runs will be taking place at Richmond Park on Sunday 13th December at 10.30am and 12.30pm. In previous years Santas have ranged from as young as 10 weeks old in a baby carrier to those in their eighties. The event is now in its eighth year and the target is to smash last year’s total of £44,000 which will be used to care for patients and their families during the Festive Season; both in the Hospice and in their own homes.
The first Santa to cross the line at Bushy Park last year was Cameron Gibson, 15, from Horsley. Cameron said: “I did the run last year but I was a lot faster this time. It was really weird being chased by all those Santas.
“I registered for the event because I appreciate the work the Hospice carers do and I wanted to do my bit to support them.”
Cameron was shortly followed at the finish by his younger brother Joseph Gibson, 11, who was the first under 12 to complete the run.
The first Santa to cross last year’s finish line at Richmond Park was Nick McKay, 36, from Wimbledon who successfully defended his title, winning for the third year in a row. He was running the event in memory of his sister-in-law, Jo Crossfield, who was cared for by the Hospice in 2010.
Nick said: ““The run has become an annual festive family event for us and my young son was also able to take part too from the comfort of his buggy.”
Mia Patterson from the Hospice’s Fundraising Team said: “Taking part in our Santa Fun Runs to raise money for the Hospice has become a tradition now in many households, with families raising huge amounts of money for us.
“They are lots of fun and it really is an incredible sight to see hundreds of Santas running across the Royal Parks.
““Places are limited, so it’s best to register as soon as possible. The cost to enter for over 12’s is £12 and for this you’ll receive a Santa Suit. For the under 12’s it’s £6 and they will receive Reindeer Antlers.”
For further details and to enter please contact the Princess Alice Hospice Fundraising Team on 01372 461808
supportercare@pah.org.uk Website
www.pah.org.ukPrincess Alice Hospice cares for terminally ill adults across a large part of Surrey, south west London and Middlesex, caring for them in their own homes and at its hospice in Esher. More than 1 million people live within its care area
Over £9.1 million is needed each year to provide these vital and much needed services. With limited NHS funding more than 75% of funding must be raised through voluntary donations and fundraising.
Tags: What's On, charity, Princess Alice Hospice, Richmond Park, Christmassy, Bushy Park, Festive Family Fun, Run