£4,000 rasied at 80th anniversary fete
02/08/18 09:59 Filed in:
What's OnOwls, classic cars and topiary people helps charity raise £4,000 at 80th anniversary fete.
The Grange centre for people with learning disabilities raises over £4,000 at its 80th anniversary feteThe Grange charity which was founded in 1938 as The School of Stitchery and Lace saw hundreds of friends and supporters turn out to celebrate its 80th anniversary fete on Saturday.
Big attractions were the topiary people who were on duty to meet and greet visitors, the classic cars and motorbikes, and Owls To You, a display of four beautiful birds of prey plus stalls music from the Martinau Brass Band.
The fete ended with a mass African drumming workshop with over 100 drums provided by ‘Drum With Us’.
‘Our aim with the fete was to celebrate 80 years of providing care for people with disabilities in Bookham,’ said Grange Chief Executive Eloise Appleby ‘We were delighted that people were so generous.’
The 80th anniversary celebrations continue in Heritage Week on 15 September with the opening of the Heritage Room. The Room will feature textiles made for Queen Mary, letters for royal households and vintage photos.
The Grange is a well-regarded Bookham charity providing care and supported housing and a dynamic programme of skills training for 100 people with physical and learning disabilities. For more information please visit
www.grangecentre.org.ukPictured below: Mary Anne, Ashley, our CEO Eloise Appleby, Vikky, Jo and Annie from The Grange charity
Tags: What's on, The grange